5 Self-storage Hacks You Should Know About

Storage Corner | November 1, 2023 @ 12:00 AM

There are many different types and sizes of self-storage units. Clients also have different storage needs. Here at Storage Corner, we have helped hundreds of people with their storage needs over the years. It is common for people to need storage while they are moving house.

Other people are renovating their homes and want to keep their belongings protected. Other customers need to store their belongings while they travel the world for an extended period of time and rent through home out.

Students can also count on us for storage needs during their academic years. The storage facilities we offer in Utah, California, and Idaho help a variety of customers with a variety of storage needs.

Although they may have different storage needs, they all face the same problem. How can they make the most of their storage space? The problem is that many customers don't know how to make the most of their space, so they feel like they need more than they actually do.

Here's where we can help. In our experience as an experienced and helpful self storage company in Utah, Idaho and California, we know the 5 self storage hacks you may not know.

With our self storage units, we want to make sure our customers get the most from them. To help you with this, we have listed below 5 self storage hacks. Check them out!

1. Vacuum Up

People often put soft furnishings, bedding, and clothing in storage because they are bulky and difficult to store. Since they occupy so much space, they find it difficult to store them.

Even though they may not appear to be large, they can quickly take up a lot of space. If you want to keep them in good condition, it can also be difficult to find spaces for them in the storage unit. Here's where the vacuum comes in handy! All you need are vacuum pack bags and a vacuum.

Fill the vacuum bags with your items and suck out the excess air. Keeping your clothes and other soft furnishings or bedding in your self storage unit will keep them safe and protected. When storing clothes, organize them by season or by age if you intend to store for future children. Label the vacuum pack bag with all the items in that season or age group.

When you need to find the clothes again, you will be able to find them easily. These bags will be a great way of keeping your textiles clean, protected and secure. The flat packed bags will also be able to slot into spaces or stack on top of each other in your self storage unit in Utah, Idaho or California.

2. Pick the Right Boxes

Storage Corner self-storage units can be made more efficient if you use the right type of boxes for the belongings you put in them. When you choose the right boxes for self storage, you'll be able to store more belongings or even use a smaller unit.

Using one box type for all of your boxes at your storage facility is key. As a result, the boxes will stack together rather than mismatching. You will also be able to stack boxes more securely as a result.

For different items, you may need different sizes of boxes. That's fine as well, just make sure the type of box you use is the same. As your boxes are stacked, you will also find they are less likely to bow or break Your self-storage unit will be more usable if you grab the right boxes, however. It won't leave any odd spaces or gaps where different and odd shaped boxes don't quite fit.

You can choose the boxes you want to use to pack your items, but our recommendation is to stick with the same brand and style of boxes. Packing and stacking will be more secure and you will be able to maximize your storage space.

3. Get your camera ready

If you intend to use your storage unit as a more permanent storage solution, you should take photos. In particular, if you don't plan to visit the storage unit frequently, you should do this.

As with where we placed things around your home, it's easy to forget what's in your storage unit. It's not a good idea to open all the boxes to find out what's in them and what you're looking for. It is very helpful to take photos of the items inside the box and place them on the outside of the box, along with where they are stacked.

These photos can also be helpful at home if you keep a copy. It will be easier for you to keep track of the storage and where your belongings are at.

Even though you will need to spend more time packing, you will save time in the end. When you are looking for that one important item a couple of weeks or months from now, you'll be thankful you have this storage hack! The best way to save time in the long run is to pack items from the same room or similar items in the same boxes.

It is easier to take pictures if all your art work, school books, and kitchen utensils are arranged in separate boxes. Having a list will also make it easier to find the missing items.

4. Labels, labels, labels

We cannot stress how important it is to pack your storage properly.

There have been a few other points that mention it or touch on it as well. When moving items into a storage unit, a good label is a huge help. If you're moving directly from one house to another, for example, just writing the room the box will go in will usually suffice. We recommend the box be labeled along with the photo, for example. It is important to indicate the room where the items came from on this label. You should list what is inside the box below this.

For example, kitchen utensils, books, or photo albums. As well as this, you should list what each item is. By adding more detailed notes to your lists, you can quickly identify the box you want (by looking for the 'room' label) and then the exact item you need. Make sure your box is labeled three times. Once on top and once on each side.

You will still be able to see labels and what is in the boxes when the boxes are stacked this way. Once again, this will make your life easier when you have items in storage!

5. Get Your Cling Wrap

You probably haven't heard about this one of our 5 storage hacks that you wish you knew. If you store anything with a chain, you'll love this self-storage hack. This hack works for necklaces, pendants, hanging crystals, or spare parts for your bike, for example. You should try this storage packing hack instead of wrapping your belongings in bubble wrap.

Put some cling film on a clear and clean worktop. On the cling film, place your chained jewelry. Place your jewellery and chained items on the cling film and cover them with another piece of cling film the same size. On top of this is another sheet of cling film with the jewellery attached.

All your items are now safely separated when you press down the cling film between them.

With this hack, your items won't get tangled or muddled, and your chains won't get tangled. It's also very quick and easy to do, as well as low-cost. In the future, when you need to take these items out of storage, this will make it so much easier for you.

Our storage options range from small units to warehouse sizes for storing larger items and furniture, allowing you to keep your space and mind tidy. You can use these tips to pack and prepare your items for storage.

Call our team if you need any help moving into a storage unit or if you would like to see our self storage facilities in Utah, Idaho or California.

Feel free to ask any questions and we'll be happy to show you around.

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