Make space for a Home Office with help from Self-Storage

Storage Corner | November 1, 2023 @ 12:00 AM

Are you working from home but haven’t managed to make room for your office? Having a dedicated space at home where you can work allows you to complete your tasks more efficiently than if you have just a pop-up spot in the living room.

If you’re struggling to work from home or you feel like you don’t have enough space to, here are some quick and easy tips to make space for a home office:

Pick the right spot

It's not a good idea to set up the office in the living room if that's where your family gathers. Sometimes that means converting your garage into an office space, and sometimes it means compromising with other spaces. You don’t need a big space, you would be surprised what you can achieve with just a little area in your room or a corner of the kitchen.

Comfort is essential

It’s important your home office computer setup is ergonomic. If you take shortcuts here, you could end up with long (and short) term problems. You’ll want a chair with back support that’s set up right. The chair’s height should keep your eye level with your screen when your back is straight.

Doing this encourages the flow of oxygen and blood which helps you think and helps with preventing back and shoulder problems. This might be the most important tip we can give you when it comes to setting up your home office.

Use storage creatively

An uncluttered space helps keep your thought process clean and motivated. Splitting drawers, repurposing glasses, hooks, and even repurposing wine racks are all creative ways to maximize your storage space. It’s important to have storage space with all the supplies you need nearby, so you don’t keep moving around the house to find your materials.

Remember to regularly clean your space and store your office supplies instead of cluttering your desk, as clutter can quickly become the new normal.

Go for height

One of the best home office space ideas is to utilize the full height of the walls. Install tall shelves, stack drawers and take advantage of under-desk space. By building vertically instead of horizontally, you can still use the same floor space in your home while optimizing storage space and keeping everything you need close at hand.

We have storage solutions for your personal belongings so you can make room for your home office and keep your space organized at all times.

For more details, call our main office today! We’re happy to help you find the right storage unit and at the best price you can find (435) 213-4710 📞

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